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  • reis

    Why do Chinese run the air conditioning with the windows open?

    Happens at both my office, and my gym.  Luckily, I have my own office sometimes shared with one other person, and we keep the windows closed....because eff this summer heat!  But at the gym, unless I'm standing directly underneath one of the A/C vents....I might as well be exercising in the 7th circle of hell devilcool.  I really don't get it...I'm absolutely drenched in sweat after less than 10 minutes on the exercise bike, and the gym "instructors" are wearing long pants, sometimes with a light jacket? crying  Why even run the A/C if you're just gonna blast it out the windows?
    9 years agoin Lifestyle-All
    Answers(12) Comments(2)
  • peterson
    Stereotyping is a common cognitive bias. When you stereotype someone, you are concluding, without evidence, that the character traits of one individual are consistent throughout the group, in this case, Chinese.
    9 years ago
  • jeson
    Chinese just lack the awareness of environmental protection, waste energy!
    9 years ago
  • suler
    The Vietnamese in Vietnam told me recently the Chinese as tourists do it there as well. They think they are retards for doing such. I agree with the Vietnamese.


    Chinese don't care, they pay for the night at the hotel and will use as much electricity/water they can, just so they get the maximum for their money.

    Vietnamese are much cooler people than Chinese.

    9 years ago


    Electricity price in Vietnam : 6.20 to 10.01 US cents/KWh

    Electricity price in China : 7.5 to 10.7 US cents/KWh
    So they don't even have the excuse of cheap energy...

    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • torence

    Ac in China are usually extremely dirty since they get no servicing. And because they aren't cleaned, the air that comes out of them can be extremely harmful or even lethal.
    So some Chinese people use the ac as a cooler fan and let the window open to keep the harmful fast acting bacteria out to have it replaced with slower actung polluted air.

    9 years ago
  • fanna
    It is because Chinese are wiser than foreigners. If there is no fresh air in the room, than everyone will surely die.
    9 years ago
  • clis
    Maybe they think it is going to cool the outside as well as the inside even if the heat exchanger is on the outside heating up the outside.
    9 years ago
  • juans
    At least some people in China are smart enough to use the AC in summer. In the place where I rented a room, I was specifically told not to use the AC because the 'wind' would be bad for my health and it would cost money, when an open window would also provide enough cooling. Yeah, when it is 38 C with 90% humidity... LOL.
    9 years ago
  • lubu

    For the same reason they have the heat on and windows open in the winter. I was told Mao said that Chinese need fresh air. Yeah, but not that much. i tried to tell my girl friend that rooms are not air tight, see that gap around the window and the gap under the door?

    I told he one night and asked , do you want the window open or AC on, AC on. Woke up in the morning with 2'' of water on my floor from the AC and the balcony door wide open.

    What does it take to make them understand rational thought?

    9 years ago
  • salika
    haha. To me the reason seems simple: it's because the staffs or "instructors" there who are on duty in the gym don't need to pay the electricity bill. And they don't sweat much because they are not exercising.
    9 years ago
  • greece

    they do this crap on the buses in jinan when it is 40 c outside and the bus is running ac at full blast. peasant attitude

    once in the winter at minus 10 , the crazy guy open the window and told me it was for fresh air, i politely informed him that jinan is 8th dirtiest city in the world for pollution and coal is being burned everywhere since this is january and then said where do you hope to get any "fresh air", no concept of what i said. another peasant attitude.

    9 years ago

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